The Language Learning (LL) team is one of four chair groups within the Department of European Language and Cultures (ELC) at the University of Groningen (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen) – the others are Politics & Society, Language & Society, Culture & Literature. The LL team is formed by an amazing group of language teaching professionals who devote themselves to teaching excellent proficiency courses in a total of 8 different languages and their societies and cultures: Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish and Swedish.
As innovative and creative lecturers, we teach from absolute beginner levels to high proficiency academic language use. ELC proficiency courses merge language and culture education through implementing task-based pedagogy and content and language integrated (CLIL) methodology. A unique feature of our program is that we provide students with hours of multimodal language exposure through movies, the latest news, literature, series, tv-programmes, and social media – next to more traditional journalistic, literary and academic texts. Through these relevant cultural products students are not only immersed in the language but also learn a lot about the background knowledge necessary to fully understand the “whys” behind the “whats” of the language and culture they are studying. We see academic discourse and critical thinking as a key to form the future generation for an inclusive view of the world.
Besides the teaching activities, the LL team is actively involved in continuous professional development. We work hard to be in the front line of new trends in language education, and continuously adjust and re-develop our courses based on the newest insights from second language acquisition research. Every year, we contribute and participate in various (inter)national conferences. For example, in 2021, LL team members were actively involved in the organisation of the AILA World Congress and presented at the EuroSLA and Levende Talen conference. Also for the coming years, we aim to participate in Task-based Language Teaching, World CLIL, the ANéLA Congress as well as many local activities. This gives us the opportunity to inspire others and get inspired by colleagues.
The LL team is always engaging in new projects such as international collaborations with higher education institutions from all over the world (e.g., Lehramt International with Oldenburg University, Germany, and Nelson Mandela University, SA; EVOLVE about virtual exchange in Europe) and many local and internal cooperations between the different languages in our own ELC department. We also collaborate extensively with the Groningen University Teacher Education in modern foreign languages via the Expertisecentrum Vakdidactiek Noord. In this way, we continuously keep enriching the team and our own teaching.
An exciting project we are currently working on is this website itself which so far includes the task bank project from the LL team, hosts Je suis #profdeFLE podcasts from the French department, also hosts The CEFR in context podcasts from the LL team, and many more to come!
Second Language Acquisition and Pedagogy
Task-based language teaching
Second language writing processes
Computer-mediated communication
French language and culture
L2 didactics
Second language acquisition, dynamic usage-based approaches, multilingualism in higher education
Language Teacher Development, Complex Dynamic Systems and Chaos Theory
Heritage / Minority Language Education, Spanish as a Heritage Language, Critical Applied Linguistics, Translanguaging
Spanish and Russian language and culture
Second Language Acquisition, Audiovisual input, Computer Assisted Language Learning
Dutch as a second language
Swedish and Dutch as a second language
Dutch as a second language
English as a second language
Second language acquisition
Second language acquisition
Second language acquisition
English as a second language
English as a second language
Second language acquisition
English as a second language
Department coordinator
Second language acquisition
French language and culture
L2 didactics
Founder and developer of the LL website project
Second language acquisition
French language and culture
L2 didactics
French language and cultures
Second language acquisition
French for professional purposes
Legal French
French language acquisition
French language and culture
Department coordinator
German language and culture
Second language learning and teaching
Second Language Acquisition and Pedagogy
Task-based language teaching
Second language writing processes
Computer-mediated communication
German as a second language
German as a second language
Department coordinator
Italian as a second language
Italian as a second language
Language & Society
Language & Mind
Department coordinator
Spanish language teaching and learning
Internationalization and innovation for teaching and learning, especially virtual exchange
Department coordinator
Second language acquisition
Teaching Spanish as a second language
Innovations in Online Teaching and Learning
Second Language Acquisition
Teaching and Learning Spanish as L2
Second language acquisition and teaching
Gamification in Spanish teaching and learning
Learning second languages through literary texts
Second language acquisition
Film analysis
Discourse analysis
Interculturality and value systems
Evaluations and construction of exams
Spanish and Latin-American literature and culture mainly 20st century
Second language acquisition
Teaching Spanish as a second language
Spanish as a second language
Spanish as a second language
Spanish as a second language
Department coordinator
Multilingual education
Swedish and Dutch as a second language
Founder and coordinator of the LL website project from January 2022
Second language acquisition
Swedish language and culture
Department coordinator
Second language acquisition
Teaching Russian language as a second language
Founder and former member of the LL website project
Second language acquisition
Russian language and culture
Translation Practice
Certified translator
Founder of a Russian weekend school for bilingual children