For the course ‘The CEFR in context’ at the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, that I taught together with Dr Audrey Rousse-Malpat, the MA students Leonne Brus, Marloes Wedzinga & Eva van Balen interviewed two experts in Spanish about the CEFR.
As they say themselves: ‘Hemos entrevistado a dos invitados, un experto de enseñanza del español, Drs. Espinola y Vázquez: www.universiteitleiden.nl/medewerkers/…la-y-vazquez
y una profesora del español con experiencia en el uso del MCER, profesora Beatriz Cabrera Fernández: www.rug.nl/staff/b.cabrera.fernandez/
Listen to their insights here.
With many thanks to Tessa Jutstra for technical support.