The CEFR and Assessment

For the course ‘The CEFR in context’ at the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, that I taught together with Dr Audrey Rousse-Malpat, the MA students Gerbrich Dijkstra, Lize Hofman and Mark van der Wijk interviewed three experts on their use of the CEFR in the Netherlands. As they say themselves: ‘We chose to explore the topic of ‘Assessment’ in relation to the CEFR with the help of both CEFR experts and users of the framework.’


Guests were
Rick de Graaff:
Alessandra Corda:
and Niels Amperse:

Listen in to benefit from their knowledge and experience on the academic principles that have served as a motivation for the framework in its current shape and how this is translated into practice.

With many thanks to Tessa Jutstra for technical support.