Collaborative reading and creative writing (Spanish department)

Task’s description
This task is a collaborative reading and creative writing task based on a typical short stories genre (articuentos) published by the Spanish writer Juan José Millás: who writes the best articuento?
Specific LOs (Learning Outcomes) and/or goals of the task.
– Analyze an interview in the newspaper with the author about his articuentos
– Define (unknown) words in their context with the use of (online) dictionaries and other resources learnt and worked during previous sessions.(synonyms, antonyms, derivatives, description of words etc.) 
– Collaboratively create a framework for collaborative analysis of one short story by the author based on the article (topic, structure, perspective, genre, impact on the reader) 
– Write a creative text following the analysis framework
– Collaboratively provide peer-feedback to the short stories using the analysis framework 
– Implement peer- and teacher feedback
Sequencing the task
Before the task
-The task is inspired by Gente Hoy 3, Unidad 1, exercise 4, p.20. We advise to use this activity as a warming / preparation activity for the students to get to know the author and practice defining different words taking into account their own perspective.
During the task
– Step 1:Individual reading of a 1 page newspaper interview with the writer about his short stories (during the lesson, 15 – 20 min)   
– Step 2: Each group defines five unknown words from the interview in Spanish and creates a scheme about the different parts and contents of the type of text presented. They publish the scheme in a collaborative document such as google doc or other. (during the lesson, 30 min) 
– Step 3: collaborative reading & guided analysis of one selected short story per group. The analysis is on the scheme created in the previous phase. (during the lessen: 20 min) 
– Step 4: Comparative analysis presentation of the selected short story by each group with the purpose of reaching a final framework for analysis of this type or text. (during the lesson: 15 minutes)
– Step 5: Brainstorm activity about possible topics or main arguments to be developed during the next phase, the individual creative writing activity. (during the lesson: 10 minutes) 
– Step 6: Creative writing of an individual short story (250-300 words) following the principles used by the author. (outside class activity: 60 min) The stories are shared with the teacher.
After the task
– In the same groups of last session, students receive the anonymous individual productions of other groups  and collaboratively read and provide peer-feedback to the content of the short stories, based on the final framework and nominate one best story from the group. The nomination is shared with the teacher only (during the lesson, 20 min) 
– Feedback by the teacher on the use of language (not the content) and 2nd revision by the student. (outside class)
– The lecturer will publish the nominated texts anonymously on a Padlet and students will read and vote for the best one. The winning story will be read out loud in class.  [during the lesson, 30 min]
Additional comments
Resources used:
-Newspaper interview with Juan José Millás : Cuentos a la orilla de lo real:
-El País website containing articuentos by Juan José Millás:
*These links are also to be found in the Spanish version of the task.
– We are working on a plan to share the stories written by the students with the writer.
*Note: If you want to add the original document with the task, please paste the link here: