Opinion vlog about a children’s song (Russian department)

Task’s description
This task is developed for beginner learners to consolidate their vocabulary and expose them to the authentic Russian language.
Specific LOs (Learning Outcomes) and/or goals of the task.
– Learn about formal and informal language use 
– Make rhymes in Russian
– Learn about norms and values of Soviet people
Sequencing the task
Before the task
Download the presentation https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1uNa25mVwdCsk6g9pe0lLdsoD49xqDHyHOaWs1WPs_7Y/edit?usp=sharing
– Work with the vocabulary
During the task
– Work with the text of the song and the rhymes. Estimated time:  10-15 minutes. 
– Discuss the rhymes and the song with your peer. Estimated time: 10 minutes.
– Discuss with your class what values and norms the song mirrors. Estimated time: 5 minutes.
After the task
– Record a Flipgrid-video about the song.
Additional comments
Tools used:
-Description of the task with teacher’s instructions https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iYmDUnfQFerYmqWVC4BuKIVzdEYPwrlg/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=113942628276836511113&rtpof=true&sd=true
*Note: If you want to add the original document with the task, please paste the link here: