Cultural Newsletter (French department)

Task’s description
Writing a newsletter for the other students where they suggest cultural initiatives to attend to/follow/learn from remotely.
Specific LOs (Learning Outcomes) and/or goals of the task.
– To discover and remember where to access francophone cultural event/knowledge remotely
– To analyse a pop culture element : an Instagram page
– To understand and compare the different access to culture 
– To evaluate which links they want to use in their newsletter (the newsletter needs to address a specific topic whether it is music, visual arts, etc.)
– To create a newsletter after studying one
Sequencing the task
Before the task
– They study 1 Instagram page: La.Minute.Culture and analyse it to understand how the stories are created to make accessible to a large audience specific point (movements/artists/famous works)
– Then they need to offer 3 to 5 links to other cultural initiatives (online concerts, YouTube page, podcast, museum accessible online, MOOCs…) in the Forum and comment on each other’s propositions
During the task
– They gather in groups of similar interest (music, arts, literature, other…)
– They select the links they have preferred amongst the one offered in the forum that they have already looked at and choose a topic for their newsletter
– They compare a newsletter (the one from France Culture) with a regular email and decipher how to create a newsletter
– They create their own newsletter (with pictures, links, short description) and send it to their classmates via email.
After the task
– All students can use the newsletter and the links to find activities to feed their portfolios (weekly assignment they have to complete which requires them to be
Additional comments
Perfect little task to complete within the 1st week of the bloc A to remind the students what is a task and how to complete it. Also, the B1 final exam was on art, therefore the theme of this tailored task offers a nice bridge between their precedent level (B1) and the new one (B2).
Tools used:
Instagram page “Minute Culture” + Newsletter of “France Culture”
*Note: If you want to add the original document with the task, please paste the link here: