Category: Linguistic competence

180 degrees debate (Swedish department)

The teacher provides a number of (very clear, black&white: e.g. ‘we don’t need a monarchy’, ‘pineapple on pizza is delicious’, things like that) propositions. Two students start the debate, one of them is pro, the other con. Then after some time, the teachers rings a bell (or simply announces) and they swith their point of view immediately, a 180 degrees. The one pro becomes con, and vice versa. They continue the debate in their new role. After a few minutes, two new students get a new proposition and start their debate.

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Quiz on ecology (French department)

The students need to acquire knowledge and data following the film studied (Demain) and their own reasearches on the topic of ecology and the future. The final product is a quiz on kahoot. Groups of students present their discoveries by creating a quiz on kahoot that their classmates need to answer. After each question answered, the presenting students offer a feedback with an explanation based on their research so that they can share to others what they have learned; and the rest of the class can learn while having fun.

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Press Cartoon Exhibition (Le dessin de presse) (French department)

For their task 1, French Plus 3a students (C1) pretend to be guides at the annual Salon international de la caricature, du dessin de presse et d’humour (international salon of caricatures, press cartoons and humour). They have to create a collective exhibition and then present/decrypt a press cartoon at the launch of the event.

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