Text comprehension and Cloze-text reading (Dutch department)

Task’s description
Reading comprehension at home with Zeeguu and Cloze-gap reading in class:
1. The teacher selects an appropriate text. 
2. This text is uploaded into Zeeguu and assigned to the right class as homework.
3. Students should read the text at home. The result must be that the student fully understands the text which is a condition to “do other things” with the text in class.
4. The teacher prepares a version of the same text in which certain linguistic items (based on the needs at that particular moment) are missing (made black, or replaced by a gap).
For instance:
– Prepositions
– Relative pronouns
– Parts of chunks
– Parts of idiomatic sequences
– Verbs
– Etc. 
5. During the seminar, this text is presented on the screen and students are asked to read aloud in turn and fill the gap.
6. The classroom activity with the same text can be repeated in a next seminar to provide repetition. (which is even necessary if students find it hard to provide the proper words)
as a whole class activity, but also in small groups or pairs by using prints of the cloze-text (depending on the difficulty level).
Specific LOs (Learning Outcomes) and/or goals of the task.
– Development of lexical knowledge, in particular prefabricated sequences (chunks)
– Development of reading skills (comprehension)
– Application of grammar rules
– Pronunciation
Sequencing the task
Before the task
– At home: Students have to read a text, which is assigned to them through the online learning platyform Zeeguu and reach full comprehension of this text by asking translations.
During the task
– Students take turns in reading the same text which is now provided on the screen and in which certain words are missing (made black).
After the task
– Preferably peer feedback and if necessary, feedback from the teacher.
Additional comments
– Example:
Uit het diepst van zijn fantasie duikelde de Amsterdamse scenarist en regisseur een mysterieuze man op: Camiel Borgman is de naam, en hij leeft als een soort Catweazle in het bos, tot hij op*de vlucht moet voor mannen met geweren, onder wie Pierre Bokma in een komisch gastrolletje als moorddadige priester. Borgman wandelt een villawijk binnen, waar hij langs de deuren gaat voor een bad. Het is de ijzersterke opening van een lugubere tragikomedie waarin Borgman zich – opgejaagd, afgewezen en in elkaar geschopt – ontpopt als engel der wrake.
*Blinded in the original version
– No tools provided. Just an instruction for how to edit a text.
*Note: If you want to add the original document with the task, please paste the link here: