Category: Setting

Press Cartoon Exhibition (Le dessin de presse) (French department)

For their task 1, French Plus 3a students (C1) pretend to be guides at the annual Salon international de la caricature, du dessin de presse et d’humour (international salon of caricatures, press cartoons and humour). They have to create a collective exhibition and then present/decrypt a press cartoon at the launch of the event.

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Presentation about a stand up comedian – German department

Analysis and presentation of the language and discourse of a comedian from the target language (TL). Students pick first individually a comedian, look from some information about him/her, watch between 30-60min of performance, and do the analysis. Then in small groups in class they present each comedian. Afterwards, they create a common group forum about comedians in the TL to discover new ones and to encourage the class to watch more videos in their spare time.

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