Category: To understand (explain, interpret, summarise, classify, associate…)

Presentation about a stand up comedian – German department

Analysis and presentation of the language and discourse of a comedian from the target language (TL). Students pick first individually a comedian, look from some information about him/her, watch between 30-60min of performance, and do the analysis. Then in small groups in class they present each comedian. Afterwards, they create a common group forum about comedians in the TL to discover new ones and to encourage the class to watch more videos in their spare time.

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Nominatie van een film – Dutch department

This task consists of a series of tasks in which students are introduced to different films. All films are approached from different angles. Students are expected to study these different angles in order to read and appreciate reviews about the films, after which they are invited to watch the films themselves. In the end they need to discuss if the film will be nominated for a festival based on a set of criteria. Each student needs to write a report, which will be evaluated and assessed by the teacher.

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In class debate/conversation – Spanish department

In class conversation in small groups (3-4 students) about a cultural product, in this example about a piece of news from a national newspaper. The type of cultural product is the same for every group. In order to be fully prepared for the conversation, the students are asked to work on it. in advance There are moderators assigned for this tasks to conduct and also participate in the conversation.

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Media Diary – Swedish department

Student picks a Swedish/target language source for the media diary (can choose freely as long as the language is Swedish/target language, films, series, podcasts etc.), should last an hour.
Writes a resumé over the consumed material, in form of a review and express their opinion, can be critical and reflective as well but doesn’t have to be.

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